摘要:AbstractIn line with the most recent discoveries in neuroscience, the combination of mind-body becomes more and more important, thanks also to the studies about Embodied Cognitive Science.The Embodied Cognition assumes that cognitive development depends on having a “competent” body from the motor and perceptive - perspective (Caruana F., Borghi A.M. 2013).Terzi Method or method of spatio-temporal organization is developed on this principle (Terzi I., 1995), through a cognitive - motor intervention, gets the information coming from the body in motion, supporting the construction of representations and mental - spatial images (Risoli A., Capettini M., Arosio Elena, Incorpora C., Corbella E. 2010).The following work is born from the desire to make a critical analysis of the Terzi method, which it will give me the opportunity to analyze the strengths / weaknesses and the links relationships between the Terzi Method and motor skills (Gherardini P., Lastella A., Tagliani N. 2012).