摘要:AbstractThis study was designed to examine faculty's perceived integration of emerging technologies and pedagogical knowledge in the instructional setting. Understanding the relationship between learning theory and technology was considered important because educational practices are rationalized based on proven learning principles and processes. Participants were 313 full- and part-time nursing teachers in a nursing institute during the 2012-2013 academic year in southern Taiwan. The results of the study revealed that many of the faculty members who took part in this study believed in using learning theories as a foundation for selection technology for instruction. However, a great number of teachers felt they did not sufficiently matched learning theories with their selection of instructional technology. In addition, a proportion of the respondents acknowledged that they did not consider pedagogical principles such as learner's pace, design of activities, evaluations, etc. when planning for instruction using emerging technologies. Teaching professionals need to recognize that the heart of good technology integration lie with the recognition of the relationship between technology and pedagogy. The findings of the study aims to provide data to technology trainers and specialists to help them develop appropriate professional training materials and address teachers’ needs during technology profession training in a way that connects pedagogical knowledge and the use of emerging technologies in instruction.