摘要:AbstractThis paper proposes a modeling, simulation, and validation framework for large-scale technicalCyber-physical Systems of Systemswith distributed management architectures. The goal of the framework, which is based on the freely availableModelicalanguage for object-oriented heterogeneous modeling, is to reduce the (currently very large) engineering effort for distributed management architectures while improving the quality of the designed system. The framework allows engineers to equip the management system with standardized interfaces, which will significantly increase re-usability of newly developed and legacy models. Furthermore, the overall CPSoS model, including the communication architecture, is generated automatically, making tedious manual implementation superfluous while reducing the potential of modeling errors, and the standardized, generic interfaces to which model components must connect to will provide a straightforward avenue for the deployment of management solutions to industrial hardware systems.
关键词:Keywords:ModelingSimulationDistributed ManagementModelicaCyber-physical Systems of SystemsComplex SystemsDistributed ManagementDistributed Control