摘要:AbstractThis paper focuses on cyberbullying as a specific form of risky behaviour in the Internet environment, which occurs both at pubescents and adolescents, as well as in the adult population. The paper analyses various manifestations and forms of cyberbullying, it focuses both on extortion, threats, humiliation, and various forms of harm to victims through photographs, video or audio materials. It also describes cyberbullying with sexual subtext, within which sexually explicit materials are used to harm the victims. The paper compares the differences between cyberbullying of children and adults, follows different motives for its implementation. The paper uses data from the national research Risks of Internet Communication IV, which was carried out in 2013 throughout the Czech Republic by our team. The research was performed on target group of Czech teens (n=21 000, 11–17 years old). One of the goal of the research was to determine respondents’ experience with cyberbullying from the point of view of victims and aggressors and their will to involve other people in a process of dealing with their problems. The research REC 3 is in its nature mainly descriptive, determined data are mainly quantitative. On-line questionnaire survey was chosen as the basic research method. The questionnaire contained 71 questions of various kinds.
关键词:cyberbullying;forms of cyberbullying;extortion;blackmailing;humiliation;social pathology.