摘要:AbstractThe Kazakh-Turkish relations since the very beginning were promising. In the first years of the independence, Kazakhstan's prior aim was to be recognized by and to integrate into the world community. In this regard Turkey played indispensable role. “For the young states of Central Asia and Caucasus, close cooperation with Turkey first of all provided independency from Russia, the possibility of convergence with European institutions and the USA, and economic aid of Turkey and that of its Western allies as well.”**G.K. Abdrahmanova, ‘Turgut Ozal i yego politika v otnoshenii stran postsovetskogo prostranstva’, in Bezopasnost: mejdunarodnaya, regiyonalnaya, naysyonalnaya, Almaty, Daik Press, 2007, p. 346.Beside the fact that Turkey supported Kazakhstan in all international organizations, it became a window of Kazakhstan to the world. As vice-minister of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan in 1990s Sailau Batirsha-uli put it “Kazakh elite had to understand that the world does not just consist of the Soviet Union. For that purpose they had to see abroad. But the problem was that the foreign language most of them could speak was only Russian. It was not so reasonable to send them to Europe or America. Here Turkey was good option as Turkish language was similar to Kazakh language.”††Sailau Batirsha-uli's interview to the author. 2.02.2012.