摘要:The conference has brought together academics, teachers, guidance personnel, counselors,graduate and undergraduate students with government and non-government organizations toshare and discuss both theoretical and practical knowledge about interdisciplinary approaches inscientific research from sports, education and culture. In this context, the conference focused ontopics from the social and behavioral sciences: the physical education and sports, performance insports, kinetotherapy, health education, sports management and marketing, counseling andguidance in the scientific environment, educational trends and globalization, educationalpolicies, culture and education, knowledge society, multi-cultural education, ethical andphilosophical approaches. The interdisciplinary character of the conference has been mirrored inmultiple perspectives and various specializations and experience of the participants. Its themesand manner of approach have given the debates a character of critical exploration and innovationthrough its scientific quality and impact of the new tendencies in the fields. The intendedobjectives has been the following.