摘要:AbstractThe study deal with the theme of lexical negation - operationalized as the use of verbs with prefixne- (no-, un- in English). The aim is to verify that the teacher's active dictionary affects pupils’ vocabulary. Research is carried out in the natural conditions of primary school practice. There were created two new research tools: Q-sort of negative and positive statements cards and comics with 6 school situations that evoke the use of lexical negative statements - both have proven to be suitable for this type of research. This study demonstrated that children have in their active vocabulary high proportion of lexically negative statements (79%). It seems that certain situations cause the educators and subsequently children to increased need to use lexical negation in their verbal expressions: first, the situations in which pupils behaviour is beyond the rules, second, the situations where the teacher draws attention to the pupil's error or mistake and third, the situations that requires a quick solution. The positive variants of statements are less common because the teachers are not accustomed to use them, they do not have automated sentence patterns and it takes them longer to formulate them.