摘要:AbstractElectronic map database is of great significance for precise vehicle positioning in several location-based safety applications, especially at the lane level. In order to provide essential reference information to assist lane-level vehicle positioning, concept of the enhanced intersection map is proposed. Compared to the traditional node-based map architecture for intersections, the enhanced map concerns more detailed representation of possible vehicle trajectories at a high resolution. Based on analysis of map enhancing requirement in lane-level vehicle positioning, the enhanced intersection model is presented with description of actual connected lanes and the virtual lanes determined by the endpoint vertexes. According to the demand for generating the map database to represent the lane curve feature and shape, principle and procedure for the intersection map are investigated and discussed. With practical GPS measurement from a selected test intersection, validation results of the vertical distance and lane curvature are analyzed, and virtual lanes are generated to enable continuous map matching in the intersection area. Analysis and discussion demonstrate that the proposed intersection model and map generation method can enable positive effects on the improvement of lane-level vehicle positioning and its corresponding applications.
关键词:Enhanced road map;intersection map;vehicle positioning;lane level;cooperative vehicle infrastructure system