摘要:Recently, general theories of working memory (WM), termed “ embedded process models” (e.g.,Cowan, 2005), have been put forward that differ substantially from earlier models (e.g., Baddeley,1986). The embedded process approach discards the notion of buffers for maintaining specific typesof information (e.g., phonological or visual-spatial), instead assuming that WM consists of theactivated portions of long-term memory (LTM). According to embedded process models, the focusof attention in WM has a very limited capacity (e.g., 1 to 4 chunks of information). Access toinformation outside the focus requires a retrieval process in which search cues are used to access, inparallel, items that match these retrieval cues. Similarity-based interference occurs when non-targetrepresentations are retrieved that partially match these retrieval cues.