标题:Investigating the Role of Childish Games (Based on Carl Gross Pre-Training Model) on Preschoolers’ Social Contexts Learning Reinforcement in Kermanshah District 3
摘要:AbstractThis survey has investigated the role of childish games (based on Carl Gross pre-training model) on preschoolers’ social contexts learning reinforcement in district 3 of Kermanshah city. The survey method is semi-experimental and the population consists of 1666 preschool's new learners in district 3 in academic year of 2011-12 that using available groups sampling method, 50 persons were chosen as sample. Data collecting tools including researcher based questionnaire was accepted in terms of validity based on experts’ attitudes in this field and its reliability is ./082 according to Chronbakh. After synchronizing the objects based on intelligence via using pretest-posttest designing, 25 persons were located in treating group and 25 persons were located in control group. Then, depended variable, i.e. childish games method, was given to treating group for 3 sessions. Control group were educated those issues as before. Data collected form pretest and posttest designing were analyzed using variance analysis as well as SPSS software. Based on gained data, H1, H2, H3 were respectively accepted with significant levels of ./0254, ./0131 and ./0421 at level of p < ./01. One can conclude through via survey findings that treating group had better performance than control group, therefore using childish games (based on Carl Gross pre- training model) affects preschoolers’ social contexts learning reinforcement.