摘要:AbstractThere are many students in the Greek Higher Education that are still “lingering” in their Departments beyond the six years. The length of studies beyond 6 years has not been justified, and this study focuses on this problem. We also study another problem: The percentage of graduates scoring about 8.5/10 or more is extremely low. Association rules mining is a well known data analysis method for extracting associations between data in a wide range of different fields. In this paper, we focus on the generation of the appropriate association rules based on students’ questionnaires in Higher Education. A sample of 50.000 questionnaires was filled by 10.000 students in the TEI of Athens. Various interesting rules could be extracted related to learning goals, practices, years required for graduation, etc. These rules and clustering techniques could be used for solving the problem of the students that are still “lingering”, and the problem of the low “scoring” of the graduates.