摘要:AbstractThe study aimed to compare the coordination tests in the study and those used in the laboratory and field. Thus coordination tests used in the field and in the lab were applied to individuals in pursuit of these aims and the relation between the results was investigated. It was thus aimed to demonstrate the utilitarian value of the measurement methods in the field in contrast to the high cost laboratory coordination tests. 69 Individuals (male:49: female 20) between the ages of 18-30 participated in the study on volunteer basis. In order to determine the coordination skills of the study participants, Throwing a Ball at the Target Test, Dart Test from the field tests and Double Hand Eye Coordination Test and the Flamingo Balance Test from amongst the laboratory protocols was applied. In conclusion there was a correlation between the double hand eye coordination test and the dart test (r=0,245; p=0,43). As a result it was decided that the dart test was adequate in measurement of the coordination skills and taking them into account its usability in the field, it was decided that it could be used in place of the expensive laboratory tests.