摘要:AbstractClassroom assessment in Mathematics is among an instructor's most essential educational tool. When properly developed and interpreted, assessments can help teachers better understand what their students are learning. However, there was no the system of classroom assessment in Mathematics in Thailand. The purposes of this study were to develop classroom assessment system in Mathematics based on basic education curriculum 2008 approaching participatory action research, and to evaluate the system. This study was a research and development in its nature basing on collaborative action research. The study was carried out in two steps that were step – The gathering of basic data and developing the system, and step 2 – The evaluation of the system by the experts. There were 4 standards for the evaluations of the system, consisted of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy. The result of this study found that the classroom assessment system in Mathematics which has been developed was comprised of action research with four sub-systems namely input, process, output, and outcome. Each of the sub- system also had four operational steps of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The experts evaluated the evaluations standards were at the high level. Furthermore, the system was designed to be operated as a part of normal classroom instruction.
关键词:Classroom Assessment System;Mathematics;Basic Education;Authentic Assessment;Assessment for Learning;Collaborative Pyramid Assessment