摘要:Semantic interference is a behavioral phenomenon according to which target items are named more slowly whenbelonging to the same semantic category as previously named items. Howard et al. (2006) investigated cumulativesemantic interference by asking speakers to name consecutive pictures of objects from several semantic categoriesintermixed with filler items. The effect was shown to be cumulative and linear to the ordinal position of the items ofa given category. Furthermore, Schnur et al. (2006) found semantic interference effects in older individuals andindividuals with aphasia using a blocked-cyclic naming task. However, it remains unclear whether semanticinterference has differential effects on younger and older individuals. According to previous research, semanticpriming effects in word recognition are larger in older than younger individuals (Laver & Burke, 1993). If semanticpriming and semantic interference effects are based on a common mechanism, we hypothesize that older adults willexperience larger semantic interference effects than younger adults.