摘要:Phonological alexia and agraphia are acquired syndromes characterized by marked difficulty reading and spellingnonwords relative to real words. The underlying problem is impairment to central phonological processing skills,evident on letter-to-sound/sound-to-letter transcoding tasks, as well as those requiring more demanding phonemicawareness and manipulation skills. The deficit is typically associated with left perisylvian damage, with relativepreservation of lexical-semantic processing abilities that support single-word reading and spelling. In manyinstances, reading at the text level is marked by errors reading words/segments with low semantic weight, includingfunctors and inflectional affixes: a profile referred to as phonological text alexia (Friedman, 1996). Little attentionhas been paid to the nature of text-level writing skills in individuals with phonological agraphia, other than toacknowledge that writing is often more impaired than reading. Here we present three individuals with phonologicalalexia/agraphia who demonstrated marked impairment of text-level writing prior to treatment to improvephonological skills.