摘要:AbstractThe stimulating learning environment in the period when Comenius wrote hisDidactica Magna(Great Didactic), or when Maria Montessori came up with her original pedagogical concept, greatly differed from the stimulating learning environment at the beginning of this century. In the middle of the 17th century, Comenius and learners could learn from only a few books and from the natural environment. Maria Montessori, in addition to books, decided to produce various materials and equipment which would encourage learners to learn communication skills and other important life competences. The multimedia environment of the end of the last and the beginning of this century has been significantly enhanced by new media, which are highly suitable to improve everyday communication and satisfy the needs of those who learn how to communicate, to belong, to be confident, and to build self-esteem and self-actualisation.This new stimulating educational environment meant that it was necessary to review the possibilities of meeting basic human needs, as well as the need to find new methodological and teaching scenarios and situations. If Comenius, Montessori, Dewey, Kilpatrick, Freinet and so on were alive today, they would probably have a much bolder approach to reviewing the dominant teaching scenarios and would offer more creative and flexible didactic solutions than those currently on offer to meet the needs of learners during compulsory schooling and other forms of lifelong learning.Satel lite TV, the internet, and all sorts of social networks provide a much more exciting learning environment and satisfy much better the development needs of young people and adults than the media environment that existed 50 years ago.