摘要:AbstractAimThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of positive and negative emotion, pessimism and optimism, and information processing styles in student psychological adjustment.Method:The research sample consisted of 400 students of Tabriz University that were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. Positive and negative affect scale (PANAS), Life Orientation-Revised (LOT-R), California Psychological Test (CPI), and Perceive Modes of Processing Inventory (PMPI) scales were used for collecting of data. The data were analyzed by multiple regression and Pearson‘s correlation coefficient methods.Results:Findings showed that Optimism, positive emotions, rational information processing style and experimental information processing style can significantly predict the psychological adjustment respectively.Conclusion:These results suggest that student's psychological adjustment is Significantly influenced by their emotional, attributive, and cognitive factors.
关键词:positive and negative emotion;optimism;pessimism;processing styles;psychological adjustment