摘要:AbstractThis paper attempts to identify the main influential elements in technology transfer process when a Small and medium sized enterprise wants to acquire a foreign technology. Based on literature SMEs play an irrefragable role in countries’ economic. They need to survive more than a few years therefore they need to acquire new technology and innovation. So many models introduce key factors in technology transfer process. Previous studies show that, technology transfer may influenced by various elements and factors and mechanism of technology transfer can be one of the most important one. Mechanism of technology transfer appears to be an important element to SMEs in technology transfer process. Some people suppose that as soon as both transferor and transferee are existed, transfer will be done and there is no need to communication channel or the other elements. Therefore, this study is based on a review of technology transfer models, SMEs and role of key factors in the success of technology transfer propose introduce a conceptual model, in order to identify elements in technology transfer process for SMEs who want to obtain foreign technology. Finally the researcher presents a justified technology transfer broadcasting model as a new model which is base on two presented models in literature. First those two models with their weakness are completely reviewed then a justified conceptual model is introduced.
关键词:Technology Transfer;Elements;Broadcasting Model;Technology Transfer Process ;Justified Technology Transfer Broadcasting Model