摘要:AbstractGreen energy industry has more important with a decade of development in the world. Particularly, the production value of green energy industry of Taiwan has become a large market in the world. This study uses listing Taiwan's firms of Silicon-Based Solar maker as empirical objects. The themes of this study are to explore what status the Silicon-Based Solar industry in Taiwan stays and what factors influence Silicon-Based Solar firms’ operating performance in view of the Structure-Conduct- Performance model.The sampling panel period is from 2007Q3∼2010Q3. The result of this paper provides us a managerial implication as follows: The Silicon-Based Solar industry has growth quickly which has two reasons. The first reason is Silicon-Based Solar industry had subsidy from government. The second reason is when the gasoline price is rising that the Silicon-Based Solar industry has substitution effect to make highly production value.
关键词:Green Energy industry;Silicon-Based Solar;Structure-Conduct-Performance model(SCP model)