摘要:In the EU FP7 project, eCoMove “green” ITS applications are being developed and tested. Within eCoMove, sub-project 4 is dedicated to the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions in the field of freight & logistics. A set of applications is therefore being developed, approaching the tasks tour planning based on traffic information, driver support tools and post trip assessment. The underlying research activity focuses on two main aspects: One is the development of a dedicated software tool and assistance components to holistically optimize the actions of drivers and logistics planners; the other is to provide the setup of a dedicated freight & logistics test bed, which includes the driver model and the adaptation of HGV models as well as the modeling of logistical scenarios in a microscopic simulation using the simulation environment VISSIM.For this purpose a dedicated test bed of freight & logistics simulations is to be deployed. In this simulation test bed eCoMove applications will be rolled out and tested with focus on urban and interurban environments covering some specific scenarios. In the first stage, the simulation test bed will be used for the initial parameterization of the tools & components in the development phase before the start of a real world implementation. In the second stage, field tests with eCoMove equipped vehicles will be carried out. Thus data coming from the field about vehicle behavior itself but also concerning traffic situations will be collected and reviewed in the post trip analysis. Results will be used to improve the microscopic simulations, which will then be applied for the impact assessment. This allows to identify further reduction potentials as well as to adjust the applications. This paper summarizes the development of the simulation test bed and also explains the cooperation with in-vehicle components. First functionalities for logistics planning are shown.