摘要:Most metallic mineral deposits formed from hydrothermal fluids, and the mineralization processes include both chemical (e.g., fluid-rock and fluid–fluid interactions) and physical (e.g., fluid flow) aspects. More attention has been paid to the chemical processes than the physical ones, even though the latter is equally important in controlling the formation of mineral deposits and their localization. Nevertheless, a number of studies have been carried out regarding the hydrodynamics of fluid flow associated with ore mineralization (e.g., Cathles, 1981, Cathles, 1997, Garven and Raffensperger, 1997, Cathles and Adams, 2005, Cox, 2005, Ingebritsen et al., 2006), and it is timely to evaluate our current understanding on this topic and gaps in knowledge to be addressed in further studies. This special section on “Hydrodynamics of mineralization” contains four papers (Chi and Xue, 2011, Xue et al., 2011, Zhang et al., 2011, Ju et al., 2011), which summarize the current status of study in the field, and present a few case studies to highlight the importance of hydrodynamics in the research of mineral deposits.