摘要:The result of this research is achieving the Indonesian teaching material development model for junior high school (SMP) include the teaching design based on sociolinguistic approach using multicultural context. To achieve the goal, the approach applied in the research isResearch and Development(R&D). The research product is a teaching CD guided book, formulized through focused discussion (FGD) collaboratively among researchers, education experts, teachers, and related instance (Diknas/Education Department). Based on the research, it was found that there were teachers’ and students’ need map in developing the teaching material based on multicultural context. The teachers’ need was developed based on (a) teachers knowledge, (b) the teachers’ view toward multicultural education, (c) multicultural activities at school, and (d) the learning process realization. Whereas, the teaching material need was developed using the following indications (a) the limited teaching material, (b) there is no teaching material based on multicultural context, (3) curriculum is considered as a fixed price. And then, the concept of teaching material development guidance was compiled in the form of teaching material based on multicultural context by using logical systematic as follows: (a) reference concept, (b) material development design, (c) material organization, (d) language skill, (e) multicultural context development.