摘要:Individuals with surfece dysgraphia write via phoneme-to-grapheme conversion, due to a deficit in the lexical route (Weekes & Coltheart, 1996). The modularity of the writing process suggests that such a deficit can be caused by impairments at diftrent loci. One possible locus is the orthographic output lexicon (marked 2 in the model below), which does not include the necessary lexical items; this may lead to writing via the sublexical route, and yield both lexical and non-lexical non-target spellings (wnting were or wer instead of where). Crucially, another locus is theoretically possible, which would also lead to surfice dysgraphia: the connection between the semantic-conceptual system and the orthographic-lexicon (1 in the model). In this case, the orthographic-lexicon is intact, and wnting can be done via the phonological-lexicon, and from there to the intact orthographic-lexicon. Such route is expected to result in writing predominantly existing words (wnting were instead of where). In the current study we set to explore whether these two subtypes of sur&ce dysgraphia, non-lexical and lexical-surfece dysgraphia, indeed exist. We also explored the relation betwœn subtypes ofsurfece dyslexia and surfece dysgraphia, specifically whether reading and writing are dissociable with respect to intact or impaired orthographic lexicon.