摘要:We report word learning ability of an 18-year old woman before and afier the resection of a large part of her left temporal lobe to remove a tumor. The tumor extended from the middle and inferior temporal gyri and into the insula Direct electrical cortical language mapping took place during awake-craniotomy in order to localize and spare necessary speech areas of the cortex. The patient was tested, before, immediately after surgery, and 6 months post-operatively in a variety of verbal learning tasks including lists of words, proper names and short stories, in addition to a variety of word production tasks (picture naming: Boston naming test, Snodgrass & Vanderwart (1980), and verbal fluency). She was also tested in a number of working memory tasks tapping the phonological, the visual and visuo-spatial, and the central executive components of working memory as described by Baddeley (1986). Her performance was compared to that of a group of 10 age- and education-matched control subjects who underwent the same testing procedures. There is considerable evidence that working memory plays a crucial role on new word learning (Baddeley, Gathercole & Papagno 1998; Gathercole, 2006). Word learning has also been associated witn improvement of word production (Martin and Uupta, 2004).