摘要:Pure word deaf (PWD) patients show grossly impaired perception of speech sounds despite otherwise spared auditory processing (identifying environmental sounds,etc.) and intact speech production. 1 his dissociation between speech production and perception has implications fcr whether phonological processes are distinct or shared between perception and production. If the perceptual deficit is due to a low level disruption in rapid temporal processing, as has ofien been suggested, then preserved production presumably relies on preserved lexical phonological representations that are common to perception and production and preserved sublexical output processes. However, our PWD patient NL has a severe speech perception deficit at the phonemic and lexical levels (phoneme discrimination: 70% accuracy, lexial decision: 74% accuracy) that cannot be attributed to a deficit in rapid temporal processing (manuscript in preparation). In fect,his left hemisphere lesion encompasses regions argued to be involved in phonological processing at the sublexical and lexical levels including posterior superior temporal gyrus and sulcus, supramarginal gyrus, and angular gyrus (in addition to primary auditory cortex).