摘要:AbstractEurope is facing within the last decade important shifts within its age related population structure, being confirmed an empathic process of population aging.Within the framework of the European project titled Intergenerational Learning: from Diagnostic to Impact Evaluation – CROSS AGES, an integrated learning model based on the support and enhancement of intergenerational exchange was defined, as a lever for promoting successful ageing (active ageing) and social inclusion of older people in the local communities. The project identified a series of LLL methodologies and tools designed to meet the specific requirements of older people's learning, such as motivation, contents of experience, communication and transmission means, flexibility needs in terms of time and methods, in order to favour the complete fulfilment and active participation of older people in the different living and working contexts.Because of social and demographical changes mentioned before, older and younger people may have to cooperate together in their current activities at workplace and even outside of it. However, the intergenerational exchange and cooperation may encounter some difficulties, as different generations use ‘different languages’, have different social and working practices, and activate and work at different paces.In order to study and promote intergenerational exchange between young and older adults, University of Padua, the coordinator of the CROSS AGES project, developed a battery of questionnaires, called Motivation to Acquire, Use and Transfer knowledge (MAUT), in order to assess the intergenerational knowledge exchange.The MAUT battery was applied in three European countries: Italy, Romania and France and, thus, the research results reveal the similarities and differences concerning the motivation to acquire and transfer knowledge in the working domain. Still, the focus of the present article is on the intergenerational exchange premises in Romania and Italy, a comparative analysis being offered.