摘要:AbstractThe inexistence of a totally coherent way of intervening in the case of multiple pathologies in children was also felt in the case of visual disabilities which incited to the finding of some efficient solutions that fit optimally on the casuistry, socio-material conditions, etc. The project “Luminita”, initiated in 1997 as a result of the cooperation of the Ability Foundation “Speranta” and the Perkins School for the Blind in Boston through the Hilton/Perkins Program represented an adequate response to the existent situation. The research followed the implementation, performance and the perfection of education – rehabilitation programs, improvement and extension of the education and rehabilitation services but also the formation and perfection of specialists, guidance for parents, etc. The specificity of the methodological alternatives used, of the individual rehabilitation programs and material resources provided, the partnership levels and the results obtained, the problems and difficulties met, represent the subject of this paper.
关键词:Multiple visual disabilities;educational and recovery services;evaluation;guidance;advocacy;professional skills