摘要:AbstractINCLUD-ED is an integrated project under priority 7 “Citizens and governance in the knowledge-based society” of the Sixth Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP6).The European Union faces the challenge of creating high quality educational systems and social policies that are more effective and equitable. In this sense INCLUD-ED responds to the following main objective: toanalyze educational strategies that contribute to social cohesion and educational strategies that lead to social exclusion, within the context of the European knowledge based society, providing key element and lines of action to improve educational and social policy.Poor urban housing conditions are a global problem, but conditions are worst in developing countries. This paper is intended to describe the connection between housing and education in the European knowledge-based society, trying to detect eventually a causal relationship between these variables. Therefore we tried some research questions for clarifying the subject. For instance: Good housing conditions facilitate better scholar results or good education results give access to better housing opportunities? Is poor housing an element for educational exclusion? Good quality of housing may be considered a result of educational success? Are those coming from poor housing neighbourhoods discriminated in schools? What are the educational system capacities to include the bad housing students? Our research led us to an important conclusion: the two variableseducationandhousingare not connected in a linear or direct correlation; between them there is an intermediate variable:poverty. Indeed, poor housing is an indicator of a bigger concept: poverty, while good housing conditions is an indicator of welfare; the access to education for socially excluded is very little conditioned by their housing conditions but by their socio-economic status and their linguistic knowledge. Not to mention also the fact that good housing condition seems not too much related with educational credentials but mainly with economic success.