摘要:Castilha FA, Ferreira HR, Oliveira G, Oliveira T, RoquettiFernandes P, Fernandes Filho J. The Influence of GenePolymorphysms and Genetic Markers in the Modulation of SportsPerformance: A Review. JEPonline 2018;21(2):248-264. This studyis a review of the influence of the R577X polymorphisms of theACTN3 gene, I/D of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) geneand dermatoglyphics in the modulation of sports performance. Thefocus is on presenting the two genes and their role in athleticperformance that requires muscular strength and power. As to thedermatoglyphics, this study looks at the different fingerprint variablesand correlates them with sport performance. The initial surveyinvolved data from 966 articles. Sixty-two were used as the basis forthis study. The findings suggest that the presence of the α-actinin-3isoform is beneficial to strength and power sports, while its absenceseems to benefit endurance athletes. Regarding the ACE activity,the studies indicate that individuals who present the D allele of theACE show a greater genetic predisposition to gain muscle strengthafter a strength training season, which may be related to theimprovement of neural adaptations and muscle hypertrophy. As fordermatoglyphics, it seems to be a powerful tool for understandingindividual differences, potentialities, strengths and weaknesses insport, as well as the genetic limitations that may impair or help toimprove the athlete’s training and performance.