摘要:Souza RO, Alves DL, Manoel FA, Palumbo DP, Junior JVMM,Silva JKF, Osiecki R. Analysis of DehydroepiandrosteroneSulphate, Cortisol and Testosterone Levels in Performance AthletesAffected by Burnout Syndrome. JEPonline 2018:21(2):150-156. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the hormonal parameters(DHEA-s, Cortisol, and Testosterone) with burnout syndrome inprofessional soccer and futsal players. Twelve athletes affected byburnout syndrome and 12 controls (absence of burnout) aged 21.21± 3.91 yrs. Athletes answered the Athletes Burnout Questionnaire -(QBA). Biochemical measurements were performed in a laboratory,using the DHEA-s, cortisol, and testosterone markers. The findingsindicate that there was no difference in hormones between playerswith and without burnout syndrome (DHEA-s, P=0.438; cortisol,P=0.575; testosterone, P=0.688). In addition, DHEA-s levels werenot statistically different between the groups. Therefore, this variablewas not able to identify burnout syndrome in the sporting context.There was no change between the hormones cortisol, testosterone,and DHEA-s with the presence of burnout syndrome in soccer andfutsal players.