摘要:Esco MR, Williford WN, Russell AR. Cross-Validation of BMI-BasedEquations for Predicting Percent Body Fat in Female CollegiateAthletes. JEPonline 2011;14(3):43-52. The purpose of this study wasto cross-validate three body mass index (BMI) based equations forpredicting body fat percentage (BF%) in college-age female athletes.Seventy-five female athletes from the National Association forIntercollegiate Athletics participated in the study. Height and weightwere taken for each subject to determine BMI. Three regressionequations for estimating BF% based on BMI previously developed byDeurenberg et al. (DBMI-BF), Gallagher et al. (GBMI-BF), andJackson et al. (JBMI-BF) were used in the study. Dual energy X-rayabsorptiometry (DEXA) was used to obtain the criterion BF% values.The results showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in mean BF%values between 2 of the BMI-based BF% (DBMI-BF = 27.7 ± 2.9%,JBMI-BF = 28.4 ± 4.7%) equations versus DEXA (27.7 ± 6.2%), whileGBMI-BF (30.2 ± 4.7%) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher comparedto the criterion. The standard error of estimate ranged from 4.53% to4.82%, total error ranged from 4.67% to 5.41%, and the limits ofagreement ranged from approximately 12.1% above to 9.4% belowthe DEXA BF% values for each equation. Due to the findings of thisinvestigation, BMI-based BF% equations could potentially be utilizedwithin a field setting to predict mean BF% for an entire group offemale athletes, but would not be appropriate for predicting BF% forindividuals. Thus, extreme caution must be taken when using the BMIbasedBF% equations to estimate BF% for this population.