摘要:Carvalho MSN, Salvador EP, Navarro RG, Farias ES, Souza OF,Carvalho WRG. Accuracy of Anthropometric Indices in PredictingExcess Abdominal Adiposity among Ten to Eighteen-Year-OldAdolescents. JEPonline 2018;21(4):112-122. The purpose of thisstudy was to evaluate the accuracy of anthropometric indicators andpropose cut-off points for the predicting of excess abdominaladiposity. Cross-sectional study with 731 schoolchildren aged 10-18yrs. ROC curves were used to compare the accuracy of the bodymass index (BMI), waist (WC) and neck circumference (NC), conicityindex (C Index), ∑2SFs, and weight-to-height ratio (WHtR). Of theanthropometric indicators assessed, WC and WHtR presented thelargest areas under the ROC curve in the prediction of abdominaladiposity in both sexes. Cut-off points of abdominal adiposity forboys and girls were BMI 22.80 kg·m-² and 21.80 kg·m-², WC 75.60cm and 75.00 cm, C index 1.18 and 1.55; NC 34.60 cm and 32.50,∑2SFs 35.00 mm and 42.50 mm, and WHtR was 0.46 and 0.48,respectively. The findings indicate that BMI, WC, C index, NC,∑2SFs, and WHtR can be used as high-sensitivity screeningmethods for assessing excess abdominal adiposity in adolescents.