摘要:AbstractThe present study examined the efficacy of group positive parenting program, a psycho educational intervention, on abusive parent – child interaction in children with ADHD; participants were mothers of thirty children who met attention deficits and hyperactivity disorder. They were selected from two child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of Tehran and put in to two groups (experimental and control group).their baseline condition was assessed with CTSPC (conflict tactics scale parent- child) .the program of intervention that run for the participant of experimental group had eight sessions, six weekly session of two hours duration plus two telephone session of fifteen minutes, training took over two months. finding for pre and post treatment data indicated the frequency of abusive behaviour of mothers was reduced and one month follow up showed the stable efficiency of the program The results of this program show that we can use this kind of intervention to compensate the lack of information of mothers for solving their problems with their child by no abusive ways and by learning the acceptable behavioural tactics.