期刊名称:International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy
出版社:Modern Scientific Press
摘要:Periphyton is sessile biota attached to submerged substrata which includes algae,invertebrates, detritus and microorganisms. It consists of mainly algae but also includebacterial and fungal matter. Diversity and abundance of algae is considered as indicator ofwater quality of aquatic systems. In lotic habitats, attached algal communities (periphyton)are often the only primary producers. The present study is based on the study of Periphytonpopulation under tropical climatic condition. The present study was carried out atHoshangabad site of River Narmada situated in Madhya Pradesh. Four sampling stationswere selected viz. Shahgang (Site-1), Bandra Bandh (Site-2), Sethani Ghat (Site-3) andBandra Bandh-2 (Site-4). During the present study a total 45 species of Periphytic formswere recorded from 13 different classes. In the present study high species diversity ofPeriphytic forms were recorded at the site having abundance of macrophytic vegetation.