出版社:Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
摘要:The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the conceptual assumptions (the cartography) that are behind the formulations concerning the literary competence in the Ministry of Educa- tion curricular guidelines. The main conclusion is that in this document the erudite culture is assumed as a
其他摘要:The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the conceptual assumptions (the cartography) that are behind the formulations concerning the literary competence in the Ministry of Educa- tion curricular guidelines. The main conclusion is that in this document the erudite culture is assumed as a "natural" fact, which may bring about the exclusion, as an object of formation and study, of other cultural environments. The idea is to show the current contradiction lying between the positions expressed in the Ministry of Education guidelines and the principles concerning the respect and defense of cultural diversity of Colombia, stated in the political Constitution of Colombia.
关键词:Cartography/representation, MEN guide- lines, literary competence, cultural diversity, Iiterariety.;Cartografía, representación, lineamientos del MEN, competencia literaria, diversidad cultural, literariedad.
其他关键词:Cartography/representation; MEN guide- lines; literary competence; cultural diversity; Iiterariety.;Cartography/representation; MEN guidelines; literary competence; cultural diversity;literariety.