出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The Order of the Holy Sepulchre, despite its early presence in the old kingdom of Galicia, possibly favored by the good relations between jerosilimitana and compostelana churches, failed to achieve in the visibility of the Santiago Order in Galicia, the mitifi cation of the Temple or the importance and significance of St. John of Jerusalem. However, even though the usual precariousness and brevity of the mediaeval sources worth of orders in Galicia, it´s posible to reconstruct with contextualized and solid documented properly its implementation, development and decline; this was until late in Galicia in mid-sixteenth century, a few years after the abolition of the Order (1489) and the integration of their property in St. John. These pages are complete with the release of a unique document, the will and testament of one of the last knight commanders of the Holy Sepulchre in Galicia, friar Juan de Loureiro (1467), which is so far the only maintained of a knight friar in the Middle Ages.
关键词:Social History of the Power;The Knights Orders;The Order of the Holy Sepulchre;Middle Ages;edition of documentary sources;Galicia;Historia social del poder;Órdenes Militares;Orden del Santo Sepulcro;Edad Media;edición de fuentes documentales;Galicia;Historia social do poder;Ordes Militares;Orde do Santo Sepulcro;Idade Media;edición de fontes documentais;Galicia