标题:Aplicación de la teoría y método de análisis del arte prehistórico de C. Alonso del Real a Auga da Laxe, Gondomar, Pontevedra, roca con grabados de la Edad del Bronce en Galicia
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The epistemology and methodology concepts of professor C. Alonso del Real (1914-1993) are applied to the study of Auga da Laxe I, rock with Bronze Age engravings in North-west Spain. The holistic perspective provides new data about the function and meaning of engravings of arms in the Bronze Age. Auga da Laxe seems to be a place for holding warrior aggregation rituals.
关键词:Epistemology;Methodology;Rock carvings;Bronze Age;Epistemología;Metodología, Petroglifos;Edad del Bronce