标题:Procesos técnicos y culturales durante el Holoceno inicial en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Los niveles B y Bb de La Cativera (El Catllar, Tarragona)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This study presents the technological structure observed in levels B and Bb (Boreal) from La Cativera. A dual technological pattern is observed. For one side simplified blade exploitation is observed and for the other, a normalized short flake production is documented too. A new 14 C data corroborates the chronological position of both levels despite showing technical schemes which significantly vary from those of synchronous sites. The B and Bb levels match in time with the so called Notched and Denticulate Mesolithic industries, however the observed knapping patterns present a major affinity with the Late Magdalenian or Epipalaeolithic Late Glacial knapping schemes.