摘要:Managerial competence of school principals regarding broad aspects. Based on research in several areas shows that the mastery of managerial competency by the school principal still needs improvement. The role of school principals are not only conceptually, but it was elected with a clear legitimacy then the responsibility and the role of managerial leadership in accordance with the assignment. Aspects of managerial competence is starting school principal regarding an extremely wide aspect of school planning, develop a school organization, empowering school resources to carry out supervision on the implementation of school activities according to applicable standards of supervision. To develop managerial competencies principals can be done in several ways: (1) understand the duties and obligations, (2) understand the needs of the organization with (school), (3) understand the organizational climate of school, (4) understand the conditions that lead human resources, ( 5) understand the organizational problems, (6) capable of mapping the organization's development priorities, and (7) being an example, and other aspects crucial for the organization Key words: Strategy, Managerial Competence