摘要:The education liberalization found its shape in the context of education privatization, which is then meant as education law corps. The Education Law Corps confides that education institution (schools and colleges) has autonomy in academic, financial, and personel affairs. Besides that, the education law corps concerns with quality, accountability, continousity, accessibility, to the rightousness of education, and looking for profit as warning of the education arrangement. Especially, college has to be able to organize financial and produce profit to help the operational of institution, although it has to keep in non-profit education institution way. Globalization has made education institution became very potential to the sick situation, even collapse. Therefore, it needs /novation management of college as an anticipatory strategy and proactive. The inovation strategy includes the dimension that relates to learner of college which is the continous process in the effort of developing and creating inovation in responding environment (education liberalization). Through the inovation strategy of college in the effort of Education Law Corps (privatization), so it is expected the image of college can be fixed by applying the corporate ethics, then the performance of college will be professional in the sight of stakeholdes and partner organization (investor). Thus, college becomes more professional in academic and non-academic on facing education liberalization. Key words: inovation management, corporate ethics, learning organization, college