出版社:Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This study aims to improve social skills by using the model of Problem Based Learning Visionary SETS on science subjects fourth grade students Sonosewu Kasihan Bantul. The study was Classroom Action Research (CAR) to the subject of the research is about 20 students of class IV students by using the model of Problem Based Learning Visionary SETS. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and test. The instrument used is the observation sheet, interview, and test questions. Data analysis techniques with descriptive quantitative average and percentage of completeness. The results showed that the learning SETS Visionary Problem Based Learning can improve (1) the student's social skills from an average of 32 with a pre-action mastery students 0%, the average cycle of 38.3 with the thoroughness of students achieving 5% and increased in second cycle the average score to 49 with student mastery by 20%, and increase in cycle III to 65.7 with 75% of students achieving mastery, (2) student achievement than the average score of 18 with a pre-action student mastery 0% after the first cycle to 65 with the thoroughness of students reached 30%, in the second cycle ratannya mean score at 57 with a 55% student mastery then the third cycle increased to 82.5 with 95% of students achieve mastery. Keywords: Problem Based Learning Visionary SETS, social skills, academic achievement