标题:The Ouroborus Serpent - The memory in architecture: from the uterine size of the primordial home and the birth of the architectural creation to the object memories
期刊名称:Lusofona Journal of Architecture and Education
出版社:Lusofona Journal of Architecture and Education
摘要:The architecture’s memory is the primordial soup to the creative act of architecturaldesign. We intend to demonstrate that the architect uses a "drawer of the stored",standing on "manufactured" or "living" channels and whose creation is notspontaneous, but the result of life experiences and experiences of their consciousnessof the reality, intrinsic to his intellectual maturity. In this regard, examples andcommunication paradigms are presented in the creative process - from the ideaembodiment - until the evolution of these two time marks, and which are shownchangeable and subject to external and more complex readings, in addition to theshift on communication of these processes by the architects and designers. Insummary, in this article those issues will be considered with analysis of visions andproposals of the architects Álvaro Siza Vieira and Oscar Niemeyer and their works,Keywords: Memory, Architecture, Oscar Niemeyer, Siza Vieira, Creative process,design