摘要:The Curvature Carpathians represent an important historical and geographical area, continuouslypopulated since times immemorial. Humanisation of the area has been an ongoing process, as proven also bythe horizontal and vertical expansion of settlements. The region has a remarkable demographic potential, its840,000 inhabitants being disseminated in 271 villages grouped by 90 communes, as well as in 19 cities andtowns. This mountainous zone is dominated by the village, a permanent settlement both in terms of number,distribution in the territory and economic activities (mainly agro-pastoral). Arguments in this respect aresustained by the wealth of settlements and the linguistic origin of most words. Inside the Curvature Carpathianarea, toponymy stands proof, alongside other ancient Dacian and Daco-Roman names, also of many Slavicrootedones. The fact that few place-names are of Hungarian origin suggests the continuous habitation byRomanians of the area’s settlements, even after the Szechlers had arrived. Oikonyms reflect the local relief,waters, vegetal cover, as well as the community’s social and historical life.