摘要:The land monitoring data derived from satellite images for the 2006–2012 period provideinformation on land-cover changes in Romania. Availability and the quality of these data can contribute to newapproaches of landscape assessment, for instance, in the context of environmental policies, the diversity of landuse (patchiness) and surface as well, can show land dynamics in different regions, having in view that landcover reflects the biophysical state of the real landscape. In this paper, we present the results of theenhancement activity where we put an extra-work load aiming to have a more detailed thematic map that ismissing in this country. These enhancements of the High-Resolution Layers (HRLs) products were derivedfrom the service provider’s products and in-situ data sets with a lot of manual editing. The products obtainedare specifically for local-use and are different from those produced as part of contract obligation to theEuropean Environmental Agency (EEA). HRLs are welcome products as no such recent thematic layers areavailable in Romania: e.g. a first wetland map of Romania, updated maps of forest and water bodies. ThisHRLs of 20 × 20 m pixel resolution may be of use in the monitoring of Natura 2000 sites, WFD, modellingprojects, spatial planning, etc. The purpose is to show the usual omissions or discrimination of the sites andmisclassification of Corine Land Cover classes. The overall area of misidentified land-cover changes inRomania between 2006–2012 was around 1.3% of their total area.
关键词:GMES – Land Monitoring;High Resolution Layers;Imperviousness;forest;grassland;wetland;water bodies