摘要:Strong storms and ice scour are the most severe physical disturbances in the shallow water areas of the northern Baltic Sea. We studied experimentally the effects a physical distur- bance — such as the removal of the surface sediment layer, vegetation, and benthic inver- tebrates and the timing of this disturbance (spring, summer) — had on the development of soft bottom macrophyte and invertebrate communities in a shallow bay. Disturbance had an immediate effect on the community in spring but not in summer. The lack of significant immediate effects in summer was attributed to a drifting algal mat that quickly introduced most of the local species to the newly established experimental plots. The springtime dis- turbance reduced the species richness and total biomass of phytobenthos in summer; the effect, however, was not detectable by autumn. Disturbance in spring decreased the total abundance and biomass of zoobenthos in autumn but not in summer. A summertime distur-bance had no effect on the autumn benthic communities.