摘要:Following the establishment of the invasive gammarid amphipod Gammarus tigrinus the native gammarids almost disappeared from some habitats of the northeastern Baltic Sea. The aims of the current work were to experimentally study whether the habitat choice of G. tigrinus and G. salinus was similar and whether G. tigrinus modified the habitat selection of G. salinus, providing thus evidence that competition for space between the two species might explain the disappearance of the native gammarids from the study area. In general, the gammarid amphipods had a significant overlap in habitat selection. Gammarids modified the habitat choices of co-occurring species but impacts were disproportional among species. The effects of G. tigrinus on G. salinus were stronger than vice versa. However, the effects varied among months, and the negative responses were not observed in all habitats. Thus, competi- tion for space alone cannot explain the mass disappearance of the native G. salinus.