摘要:Aim. The physiological demands of football game are complex; a good physical preparation are importantfor the successful of the technical actions which ultimately determine the outcome of the match. Physicalconditioning training are characterized by explosive movements, acceleration and de-acceleration, agility, sprintsand soccer-specific running with or without a ball. Speed is the capacity to cover a given distance as quickly aspossible with the maximum exertion (100%) and also by the maximum speed at which a movement or a series ofmovements are performed (www.fifa.com). Agility is a important component of soccer play and was defined by a “arapid whole-body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus,” based on theconception that agility has relationships with both physical and cognitive components.”The aim of the study is to summarize the theoretical aspects that has been undertaken regarding the role ofphysical conditioning (speed and agility) in youth football.Conclusion. Training programs should be focused on the specific player post and individual fitness level,and must include specific training drills which improve acceleration, maximum speed, and agility.