摘要:Aim. The aim of this study was to analyze the training intensity and training activities in rhythmic gymnasts.Methods. Nine gymnast, from Brazilian National Group Team (20.8±1.9 years old), were studied.Accelerometers (ActiGraph, model GT3X+) were used to estimate the gymnasts energy expenditure duringtraining session, in two periods – morning and afternoon. Training activities (types of exercises performed) in theevaluated session were recorded.Results. The gymnasts were in the basic preparatory period of periodization and it was observed that 35% oftraining session was composed by moderate to very vigorous intensity exercises. The most part of the trainingpresented light intensity training activities (65%). We observed the following training activities in the trainingsession: flexibility training, ballet, warm-up, apparatus and body technique, routines (parts and isolate elements)and conditioning.Conclusions. The higher intensity level in the training (moderate to very vigorous intensity exercises)corresponding especially to the training of routines parts. Several exercises characterized by a hard work ofstrength and endurance (ballet and warm-up) were classified as light intensity probably due to lack of changes inthe body axis and/or displacement. On the other hand, the RG training is composed also by light intensity exercises(specific exercises such as flexibility training, apparatus handling techniques, etc.) and moments (stops forexplanations and corrections) that are essential for the improvement of technique, tactics, physical, intellectual andpsychological development in gymnasts’ performance.