摘要:The purpose main of this study was to examined and explain the strength of influence between workenvironment and organizational learning on organizational commitment and employee performance. Further, thecurrent study empirically investigated and examined the mediating role of organizational commitment inAgriculture Department of Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Design in the study usedthe quantitative approach is based on review of literature and previous studies findings. The data collectingthe study employed a survey method conducted in cross-section using the instrument in the form of aquestionnaire. The method of sampling is stratified proportional random sampling using the formula Solvin, theobtained sample 60 people. The data were statistically analyzed and interpretations made with Partial LeastSquare (PLS) path modeling approach. Results from this study shows that that work environment has a positiveand significant influence on organizational commitment but on the employees performance has not significanteffect. The elevated organizational learning positively and significantly contributes to the enhancedorganizational commitment and employee performance. Further, the organizational commitment positively andsignificantly contribute to the enhanced employee performance. The influence between work environment andemployees performance should be interpreted with consideration of the employees commitment to theirorganization. This shows the crucial role of organizational commitment, not only as a predictor variable but alsoas a mediator variable which provides a meaningful impact on the influence among other organizational factors.Thus, the role of mediation of organizational commitment in the research model can be said as completemediation. Last, the results were found that organizational learning is significantly mediated with organizationalcommitment, showing a strong prediction on employees performance, therefore, the mediating nature of theinfluence of organizational learning on employee performance through organizational commitment is partialmediation.