期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:In the Rinkian belt of West Greenland, reworked Archaean gneisses are overlain by supracrustal successions of thePalaeoproterozoic Karrat Group, defined by Henderson &Pulvertaft (1967) as comprising two formations: the Qeqertarssuaq Formation and the Nûkavsak Formation. The groupwas later extended to include the Mârmorilik Formation(Henderson & Pulvertaft 1987) originally considered to beof Archaean age (Henderson & Pulvertaft 1967) but latershown to be Palaeoproterozoic, resting with a depositionalunconformity on Archaean gneiss (Garde 1978). Henderson & Pulvertaft (1987) suggested that the carbonatedominated Mârmorilik Formation in the south was laterally equivalent to the siliciclastic-dominated QeqertarssuaqFormation in the north, the two subbasins being separatedby a basement topographic high.